Saturday, January 13, 2007

Looking forward to the New Year!

It's been a really crazy week here....with aLOT of behind the scenes work on various projects I'm doing for CT commitments. I've been organizing things on my computer and even started using a dayplanner to keep things on track.

But I wanted to check in and show you a few of the things I've been working on so far....scrapping wise!
Here's the first layout I've done since before Christmas! Can you believe that! Yeah....the holidays really kicked my butt! LOL!
I used some new things and an older kit by Merkeley Designs for this. At first glance it may appear to be a Valentine's layout, but this is a different kind of Love Affair! LOL!
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Full credits can be found HERE

And here's what I'm working on now...I am absolutely, positively in LOVE with these new stitching thingies from Claudia Campbell!
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Find this set HERE! There's four sets in all!

AND good news they are on well as everything in the DSS store, but hurry today is the last day for this TWO day Blow Out!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting read that right! ALL PhotoBlast actions are on SALE! So stock up now!!!
Here's a preview of one of John's latest actions....
featuring my own 'lil Josh in the preview ad! These are new actions coming to the DSS store SOON!
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So here's how I used those stitches in an uncompleted(as of yet!) layout. The picture used below is circa January 1956 and is one of the VERY few heritage photos that are in my possession! I got this from my MIL. I'm not quite sure who is pictured in the photo, but they are related to my FIL. Kyle had a project to do at school. They are doing a sock hop and learning about the 50's. They had a one page interview to complete by asking 5 questions from someone who was there in the 50's. My MIL sent home three vintage photos and I can't wait to get them scrapped! I chose to use Amy Cheeseman's latest paper pack, LuAnn's Space because of the rich textured colors and don't those stitches just ROCK that page???
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Look for the completed layout in a gallery near YOU soon!

I'm gonna make this a short"er" post, but before I go, I wanted to give you an update on my FIL, Bud.

Thank you all for your thoughts of concern and care. DH, Gene went over to his parents after work last night and the oxycotin they have him on is making him loopy. He dozes in and out of sleep and sometimes doesn't speak coherently.

He can't talk for more than a few seconds without running out of oxygen. We are waiting for a second procedure to drain his lungs with the help of radiology this time to watch where the catheter is traveling. He will be admitted this time for the procedure. It's not scheduled until the 18th...which seems relatively soon, but we have our doubts that his body will keep up until then. My SIL had to go over and shave him yesterday because he couldn't do it himself and DH said that it might come down to him spending a few nights a week there to help out with his care.

Please please please pray for his soul....above and beyond his physical's his heart that I am concerned about.

Thanks again...It really helps to know there are so many praying for him and our family at this difficult time! last soon as I get some of my CT commitments completed, I'm so excited to design another little freebie for y'all...including the lowercase alpha to match the blue glitter I gave away last week!


1 comment:

Pam said...

The stitches look so cool! Love your page so far.

Sending thoughts to your family and especially your FIL!